
Psychocalisthenics® Training

Picking-Grapes_144x137Psychocalisthenics® (P–Cals®) consists of 23 movement and breathing exercises that follow the anatomical plan of our body. What P–Cals does is awaken our body across five specific Cavities, each of which corresponds to the specific area of the spine, with the related nerves, muscles, bones, organs, glands, and tissues. What is awakened across the series of exercises is our vital or Kath energy or core fire.

P-Cals is easy to learn. The entire series takes only sixteen minutes to complete and produces a flash of vital energy through the entire body. Specific breathing indications are given to support the generation of this vital energy. The outcome of practicing the exercises is the attainment of awareness, stability and happiness in your life.

P-Cals can be learned in a group or individual class taught by certified Psychocalisthenics teachers worldwide, or on your own with the help of the P-Cals book and DVD. A wallchart and CD are also available.

Length of training: One-day group training
Prerequisites: None
Fees: $100 (includes wall chart); (repeat price available)
Date: To be scheduled.
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© 1972, 2025 by Blue Tiger Way. Portions copyright by Oscar Ichazo. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
The contents of the above group training with all accompanying yantras and illustrations are copyrights of Oscar Ichazo and are fully protected by copyright law. The titles of the meditations, exercises, and practices in this group training are trademarks of Ichazo, LLC. The titles of the group training, yantras and illustrations are trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.

Arica, P-Cals, and Psychocalisthenics are registered trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.